
What goals do you set for your home in new year.

In the new beginnings of year, you vow to lost weight, save money or spend more time family and friends etc. Your house is the most important place to you. What goals you set for your home in new years?

Following the below some resolutions that may make your home a more beautiful,efficient,clean place in the coming year.

1:Streamline the stuff

In china, people will do spring-cleaning at the end of year to welcome the new year coming. For a year, most of us acquire a mountain of stuff. One of the best and least expensive ways to feel better about your home is to clear it if clutter.

This year resolve to go room-by-room periodically clearing anything that you don’t use, wear or love and donate it to charity. After that, thing twice about what you bring in. Antoinette Nue, an Atlanta consultant say:"Fill your home with the things that raise your energy level and make you feel good, and get rid of the things that drain your energy or are broken,"
Clear your counters of everything you don't use on a daily basis. And get ready to breathe a little easier in your own home.

2: Shrink your bills

When people think of going green, they often think it takes solar panels or a hybrid car to make a difference.The best place to start is by cutting your energy usage in your home:

· Remember your mom's advice and switch off the lights when you leave a room.
· Turn off your air conditioner when you leave the house and dial your heater down to 55 degrees at night.
· Install compact fluorescent bulbs and low-flow shower heads.
· Try drying some of your clothes on the line and wait for the dishwasher or washing machine to be full before you run them.
· Turn off your power strips and/or set your home computer to revert to sleep mode when not in use.
· Water your yard less. Put in drought-tolerant landscaping if necessary.
· Give composting a try. Your garden will thank you.

3: Work out a weekly system for keeping your house clean

Jeff Campbell,author of the book Speed Cleaning and owner of the Clean Team housekeeping service in San Francisco gave a good tips for keeping the mess under control.

Daily: Dishes go in the dishwasher every night - no excuses! Dirty clothes go in the hamper and jackets or clean clothes are hung in the closet. Bring everything back to its assigned place.

Weekly: Clean your entire house, using these tips:

· Keep all of your cleaners, as well as rubber gloves and spare cleaning cloths - in a portable carryall that moves with you from room to room.
· Stash cleaning implements such as a toothbrush, scraper, sponge, a few cleaning cloths and plastic bags in a builder's apron that you wear when you clean. Hook your glass cleaner and all-purpose cleaning spray on the loops to keep your hands free as you work around the room clockwise, cleaning from high (cabinets) to low (floors.)
· Focus on one type of cleaning at a time. It's faster, Campbell says. Wipe down fingerprints on all of the cabinets, for instance, before moving on to spraying and wiping counters. Then move on to windows and mirrors and appliances. Once that's done move on to sweeping and then mopping floors.
· For optimum efficiency, enlist the help of your family. If you can, divide the jobs among at least three parties: One of you can do the dusting/vacuuming and changing beds, the other can do the bathroom cleanup, leaving only the kitchen and trash emptying for you to handle. The upside? You can get the whole house done in 45 minutes, Campbell says, leaving more time on the weekends for the park or the movies.

4: Get your place ready for entertaining

Home is also a place to meet your friends. It is good idea to give your areas in a little updated every year which you don’t need to go for broke here or invest in a new kitchen remodel. One easy update is just adding a piece wall art or a plant. Or pick an underused color in the room and add more if it in the form of a new pillow or throw to update your look.A colorful rug or runner can also help anchor your space. A little updates bring in new energy and help clean the air.Checking out your home and make a little change to make a new place.

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